Contemplate, articulate and share your vision of your purpose and destiny with a group of supportive Lightworkers.

Soulcials Path of the Lightworker Mini Retreat, Hamden CT

This mini retreat fee is discounted for Soulcials members in gratitude for their inspiration in developing The Lightworker Path Programs.

Event Phone: 203-215-7453

In this mini retreat Dr. Judith encourages you to contemplate your own journey as a Lightworker by addressing the following questions through a combination of discussion, journaling and meditation:

  1. Who are the Lightworkers?
  2. How did we end up on this path?
  3. Why are we on this path? What is it about for our own individual souls’ highest destiny? What is it about for those we offer help to? How do we attract the people we are here to serve with our talents? How do we recognize them when we see them?
  4. How do we take care of ourselves, deepen our connection with the Light within, expand it and assure that we are able to continue on the Path of service?
  5. What are the current challenges we are facing spiritually and in doing the Lightwork we are called to do? How can we continue to meet those challenges.

As a participant in this mini retreat you will also receive both a meditation mantra and a protection mantra for these times with specific instructions for use of these mantras as self care practices. .

Dr. Judith ends this presentation with a kirtan and a guided meditation to nurture your connection with the inner Master of your heart who continually offers inner guidance on the journey.

Registration deadline is August 15th, 2023

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  • Soulcials Path of the Lightworker Mini Retreat
     August 19, 2023
     1:00 pm - 5:00 pm