Shakti Swarupa Advanced Protocol
Join Dr. Judith every month for a strengthening, balancing, and rejuvenating 90 minutes as she leads the group through a powerful meditation experience. The Shakti Swarupa Advanced Protocol is one
Join Dr. Judith every month for a strengthening, balancing, and rejuvenating 90 minutes as she leads the group through a powerful meditation experience. The Shakti Swarupa Advanced Protocol is one
As Lightworkers, we often work in isolation in our attempts to manifest the vision of our purpose in serving humanity. The vision and our sense of purpose may be clearly
Mastermind Training Program Prerequisite Package This program combines two ZOOM sessions, May 30th and June 6, 6:00-8:00 p.m. EDT), a 3 hour recorded mini retreat, and 1 hour of individually scheduled
BODIES INTO BALANCE – RETREAT FOR LIGHTWORKERS In the original Karate Kid movie, there is a scene in which the great Karate Master, Miagi, stands facing into the wind on one
Developing skills in manifesting abundance, clarifying core values and life intentions and understanding the challenges of being a Lightworker are prerequisites preparation for participation in the deeper work of the 3 day residential Bodies Into Balance Retreat.
Gaining clarity about your core values, life intentions and goals is the foundation for being able to stand in your own power and manifest your highest destiny.
In this mini retreat Dr. Judith encourages you to contemplate your own journey as a Lightworker by addressing the following questions through a combination of discussion, journaling and meditation .
This is a special discount for teen and young adult (up to age 25) Lightworkers
This mini retreat fee is discounted for Soulcials members in gratitude for their inspiration in developing The Lightworker Path Programs.