Event Phone: 203-483-3140
June Meditation and Chanting with Dr. Judith
June 20, 2021
4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
The June Meditation and Chanting is being offered in honor of Gurumayi Chidvilasananda”s Birthday, the Summer Solstice and all the Dad’s out there as the date of the program falls on the Solstice and Father’s Day. It also happens as we move into the last two days of a particularly intense astrological Mercury retrograde. As always, our goal is to experience the Supreme Stillness and Power of the Self, and take a break from the drama of life and happenings around us.
This is a free program. All are welcomed to participate, regardless of your level of experience with meditation and chanting practices. In order to participate, you must register for the program. A Zoom invitation will be sent to you within 2 days of the program, along with the words to the chant and some suggestions of how to set up your space for participating in the program.
Venue: Virtual (Zoom)
After registration, you will receive information by email about how to attend this virtual event via Zoom.