Shakti Swarupa Advanced Protocol
Join Dr. Judith every month for a strengthening, balancing, and rejuvenating 90 minutes as she leads the group through a powerful meditation experience. The Shakti Swarupa Advanced Protocol is one
Join Dr. Judith every month for a strengthening, balancing, and rejuvenating 90 minutes as she leads the group through a powerful meditation experience. The Shakti Swarupa Advanced Protocol is one
BODIES INTO BALANCE – RETREAT FOR LIGHTWORKERS In the original Karate Kid movie, there is a scene in which the great Karate Master, Miagi, stands facing into the wind on one
Developing skills in manifesting abundance, clarifying core values and life intentions and understanding the challenges of being a Lightworker are prerequisites preparation for participation in the deeper work of the 3 day residential Bodies Into Balance Retreat.
Experience the power of Shakti Swarupa Prosperity and Manifestation protocols paired with Mantra practice to remove obstacles and attract everything you want, need and more.
Come discover the sacredness and stillness within and around you and cultivate the awareness of both in your daily life.
Come join me, Dr. Judith, for an amazing experience of exploring the powers of sound to bring about healing and transformation on February 19 and 26, 2022 in the Introduction
This program includes individual Shakti Swarupa Body Type Analyses, diet and life style planning, chakra balancing and strengthening with body type crystals and individual healing mantras.