BEGIN YOUR JOURNEY Let me, Dr. Judith Wilcox, be your guide on a transformational journey where we'll explore possibilities for your own personal growth and expansion. Click Here LIFE COACHING Life Coaching with me is a collaborative journey that combines the coaching process with Law of Attraction in Action skills and Shakti Swarupa Energetic Healing. Click Here SHAKTI SWARUPA The Shakti Swarupa Energetic Healing encourages each individual to recognize and experience his or her own full potential, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Click Here MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM Choose from 4 membership packages to achieve your ultimate body, mind, and spirit evolution. Get access to transformative videos, courses, coaching, and much more. Click Here JOURNEYLIFE COACHINGSHAKTI SWARUPAMEMBERSHIP

Let Me Be Your Guide on Your Personal Growth  & Expansion Journey

Dr. Judith Wilcox

I’m Dr. Judith Wilcox. Thank you for welcoming me into your inner journey for personal growth, expansion and healing to achieve your life goals.

I am committed to helping you explore your own possibilities for growth, expansion  and healing in your body, mind and spirit as you pursue your life goals. Whether you are seeking personal counseling, psychotherapy, spiritual advisement, energetic healing, training, or information about my courses, workshops, consulting or other offerings, you are most welcome.

Through counseling, life coaching, energetic healing & training, I provide:

Compassionate support for counseling clients.
A holistic perspective that integrates mind, emotions, body and spirit. More than 39 years’ worth of wisdom, expertise and experience in human development—applied to your specific needs, issues and goals.
A warm, safe environment for your self-exploration, healing and growth.
A recognition and belief in your innate inner power — which guides both of us in discovering exactly what you need to realize your own health, well-being, happiness and full potential.
Concrete, focused techniques and approaches to help you discover and take your next steps toward relieving pain, negative thinking, difficult emotions, inner conflicts and suffering.

Sign up for Dr. Judith Wilcox email list and get instant access to her Law of Attraction in Action Goal Achievement Tip Sheet. This will empower and fast track your goal achievements!

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4 Programs to Assist You on Your Inner Journey for Growth and Expansion

Shatki Swarupa

Meditation for Daily Living Mini Retreat #3

The Shakti Swarupa Energetic Healing encourages each individual to recognize and experience his or her own full potential, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, through the dissolving of obstacles, karmic memories and triggers that activate old patterns and issues.

Create IT Course

create It Courses

Whether your inner barriers are hidden or acknowledged, the blocks to your success from fear, insecurities and self-doubts can be neutralized—quickly and permanently. The Create It, Move Through It, Do It Course will help you to successfully apply the Law of Attraction to create the life you really want..


The regular practice of meditation is essential for creating a happy, peaceful and focused life. Whether you are just beginning or meditate regularly, the Meditation for Daily Living Series offers a basic course for beginners and 3 mini retreats for those who are advanced and want to deepen their practice.

Life Coaching

Life Coaching Product

Life Coaching with Dr. Judith is a collaborative journey that combines the coaching process with Law of Attraction in Action skills and Shakti Swarupa Energetic Healing. This enhances the attainment of personal goals and action plans for manifesting a healthy, happy, and prosperous life.

4 Membership Packages for Your Ultimate Body, Mind, & Spirit Evolution


Begin your personal development journey with unique transformative videos that will empower you with meditation techniques, Shakti Swarupa energetic healing, Law of Attraction & life coaching - all for free. 


Heighten your journey with everything in FREE plus more meditation videos, Akashic Record Readings, personal life coaching, free valuable sign up bonuses and powerful personal development products added annually.


Fast track your results with everything in SILVER plus more meditation videos, Akashic Record Readings,  personal life coaching, free valuable sign up bonuses and more powerful personal development products added annually.


Maximize your results with everything in GOLD plus more meditation videos, Akashic Record Readings,  personal life coaching, free valuable sign up bonuses and more powerful personal development products added annually.

Products from Our Store to Transform Your Life