Introduction to Mantra and Sound Healing Mini Retreat Series
Come join me, Dr. Judith, for an amazing experience of exploring the powers of sound to bring about healing and transformation on February 19 and 26, 2022 in the Introduction
Come join me, Dr. Judith, for an amazing experience of exploring the powers of sound to bring about healing and transformation on February 19 and 26, 2022 in the Introduction
This month we are coming together to meditate and chant on August 15th, the anniversary of Baba Muktananda’s divya diksha (the day he received shaktipat initiation from his Guru Bhagavan
This mini retreat gives an overview of the Kundalini/Chakra/Nadi System of Yoga, Spiritual Awakening and the role of Realized Masters in awakening the kundalini.
The Meditation for Daily Living Mini Retreat Series Package is offered for participants who have already learned to meditate and are meditating regularly and want to deepen their meditation and
This is the first of three Meditation for Daily Living Advanced Mini Retreats designed to help participants deepen and reenergize their understanding and experience of the practice, process, and experience of meditation.
Meditation for Daily Living Mini Retreats are designed to assist participants in deepening and reenergizing their regular meditation practice. Each mini retreat addresses key topics in understanding the object, process, techniques and experiences of meditation.