Bodies Into Balance 3 Day Residential Retreat
BODIES INTO BALANCE – RETREAT FOR LIGHTWORKERS In the original Karate Kid movie, there is a scene in which the great Karate Master, Miagi, stands facing into the wind on one
BODIES INTO BALANCE – RETREAT FOR LIGHTWORKERS In the original Karate Kid movie, there is a scene in which the great Karate Master, Miagi, stands facing into the wind on one
AKASHIC READING FOR HUMANITY – APRIL 2023 Humanity is in a scary state right now. There are some polarities that show little promise of resolution. During such times as these, the
In this mini retreat Dr. Judith encourages you to contemplate your own journey as a Lightworker by addressing the following questions through a combination of discussion, journaling and meditation :
Come discover the sacredness and stillness within and around you and cultivate the awareness of both in your daily life.
Come join me, Dr. Judith, for an amazing experience of exploring the powers of sound to bring about healing and transformation on February 19 and 26, 2022 in the Introduction
This month we are coming together to meditate and chant on August 15th, the anniversary of Baba Muktananda’s divya diksha (the day he received shaktipat initiation from his Guru Bhagavan
All are welcome to participate in this free livestreamed meditation and chanting program with Dr. Judith regardless of your level of experience.
You are invited to meet Senior Brahmin Priest of Bhagavan Nityananda's Samadhi Shrine in Ganeshpuri, India, Nandu Prasad Joshi. He is a wonderful person who is devoted to Bade Baba,
The June Meditation and Chanting is being offered in honor of Gurumayi Chidvilasananda"s Birthday, the Summer Solstice and all the Dad's out there as the date of the program falls